What I've Learned in 33 Years

I know that this is quite an overdue post, but, oh well!

I'm here to do my yearly routine...making a list of my life lessons from the past year. I still can't believe I've been doing this for about a decade now. But to be honest, I can write more than 33 life lessons after what I've gone through last year. The year 2020 was soul-crushing for me, but here I am, trying my best to heal from everything. I'm amazed that I still have energy and a little bit of motivation to keep going while going through a series of disappointments and betrayals. 

I don't want to get all dramatic, so, here goes 33 lessons that I've learned in 33 years! 

#1 Sometimes, you have to be really silent about your goals or your next move.
#2 The Universe only has one answer - YES!
#3 Loving yourself is mandatory.
#4 You have the right to walk away from anything or anyone who brings nothing but turmoil in your life.
#5 Slow-living does not mean you are being lazy. It means you are taking time to enjoy everything that you are experiencing.

#6 Hitting rock-bottom is necessary so you'd really have no choice to but to go up.
#7 It's important to look for people who have been where you want to go.
#8 Start small and go with a slow but steady pace.
#9 Eyes on the prize, but learn how to fall in love with the process as well.
#10 Things won't always go as planned, and sometimes you'd be grateful that your plans failed.

#11 You should not be afraid of feedback.
#12 Don't give bare minimum effort and expect massive reward.
#13 Getting up early would give you a really nice head start.
#14 You get tenfold of what you give out.
#15 When you express gratitude before you even receive something, magic happens.

#16 "The best ROI is happiness." - Gary Vaynerchuck
#17 Who you surround yourself with matters.
#18 You are what you do.
#19 Purpose over profit!
#20 Self-acceptance instead of self-loathe.

#21 Food is fuel.
#22 Art is subjective.
#23 Your peace is more important than your status.
#24 Freedom is non-negotiable.
#25 People recharge their batteries in different ways and we have to respect that.

#26 You don't have to be a jerk to have things working your way. Diplomacy is the key.
#27 If you were lonely when you reached the top, you did it wrong!
#28 Sometimes, you'll have to disappoint a lot of people in order to get that peace that you've been craving for your entire life.
#29 You shouldn't let other people decide what your day is gonna be like.
#30 Switching your vocabulary depending on who you're speaking with is crucial to having effective communication.
#31 "A peaceful mind brings a healthy body." - Dalai Lama
#32 You don't have to monetize everything.
#33 Do whatever makes your soul grow.

There we go! I hope you've learned a thing or two from this list. If you did, let me know which ones resonate with you the most in the comment section down below! I would love to hear from you!

About two weeks after my birthday, I decided to finally chop off my hair and this is how I look like now. This is me in my rare "adult" form.


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