A few months ago, I got my first ever skincare haul from BeautyMNL. It came with a free 20-minute Feel Good Facial Treatment from Origins - a store that sells skincare products that are powered by nature and proven by science!

That was towards the end of June 2017 when I booked an appointment at their branch at SM Makati. I simply called the number written on the voucher and told them I have time to avail the free facial on my day off. When I got there, I was warmly greeted by two members of their staff - Cynthia and Stephanie. 

We had a little chit chat as they gave me a tour of the store - they introduced quite a number of skincare products which honestly I've never heard of before I walked down that store. They asked me about my skin type and about the current skincare products that I'm using. After the assessment, they picked out 8 different products that they would use on my face. 

As I sat down, I pulled out my camera and asked them if I could take photos of the skincare products first. They were totally cool about it; they even suggested that I take a before and after shot of myself so I could actually see the difference. So, I did!

Here are the products that they used on me: 

It was an AWESOME experience, you guys! After that treatment, I felt like my skin came back to life! I also realized that I have been missing some steps on my skincare routine. I have heard of serums but before this facial treatment, I haven't actually thought of using one. 

Have you guys ever heard of multi-masking? They tried that on me ā€“ they used two different tubes of clay masks on my face. Apparently, different zones on your face need different types of treatment. It makes sense to me now. I've always been using just one type of (clay) mask for my entire face. 

My favorite product is the Retexturizing Mask with Rose Clay since it is good for all skin types! 

I ended up purchasing a tube when I left the store. But, I got a discount because they do have a Php 200 rebate promo that day I purchased it. Yay! 

I use this product once or twice a week. That instant glow never fails to lift my mood after a rough day or week. Application is quite easy - you can use your fingers to apply a layer on your skin. Not too sheer, not too thick! Wait for 10 minutes, then, use your fingers to massage the mask with jojoba beads on your skin for a gentle exfoliation. It would be better if you add a few drops of water as you massage it on your face.

I was SO tempted to buy the Frothy Facial Wash and the charcoal clay mask but they are really quite pricey, plus, I still have some of my current facial wash and I wouldn't want to waste it. I was also impressed with the Make a Difference + Rejuvenating Treatment, but if I want to buy all of those products at the same time, I would probably have to live in the streets for about a month or two! Haha! 

Fortunately, I got some free stuff along with my purchase.*Woot woot* Thank you SO much for these, Origins PH!!!

I was able to use their other products for a month and I am definitely satisfied with the results. My skin has never felt so clean and supple. I almost cried when I was using the last few drops of these travel pack samples, hahaha! The only thing left now (from the freebies) is the sunblock! Iā€™m impatiently waiting for my other favorite products to go on sale. I got a lot of bills to pay and dreams to save up on, so, I have to chill for now.

Have you guys tried purchasing skincare products from Origins? If you have, I would love to hear about your experience too! 


  1. Been following your blog in a while. Love how personal you write. Keep it up!!

  2. Hi there Giselle! Thank you so much for making time to read my blog! I appreciate every single comment. I will try my best to work on this blog for as long as I can! :)

  3. Ima give the rose clay mask a try, as charcoal tends to dry up skin a little too much if used often ;)

    1. You'd get that pre-date glow that is SO noticeable! ;) Thanks for reading this, Senpai!

  4. As someone who has never used any skincare products - it's all about the results for me. Apparently, it works. So, I am quite convinced to try them. And again, I am quite surprised that there are so many skincare products available for purchase. My definition of skincare ranges from Cetaphil to just a moisturizer or toner I think, I can't even remember hehe

    1. I love Cetaphil too!!! That's what most people with sensitive skin usually use since it's very mild too! You should definitely try clay masks for deep-seated dirt. But sometimes I also use sheet masks if I just need a quick mood boost.

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